Congratulations on deciding to turn a profit from your passion! It’s an exciting time! But it’s also a time when confidence can be quite shaky. And you know what? That’s normal and expected. I’ll tell you why in the beginning of this article. We stop feeling guilty or shaming ourselves for doubting ourselves when we …
The Key Mindset Shift for a Profitable Business
The key difference I’ve seen between 9-5ers and business owners has to do with a willingness to fail. Those of us who have spent a long time in school, like I did, have received training to never fail if we want to do well. This carries on into the corporate world. Failing can cost us …
‘To Tell Or Not To Tell’ Our Family About Our New Dream
The excitement of a new dream When we realize that we have a new dream for ourselves and our life, we can feel such a crazy flurry of emotions. We want to share our excitement with the people around us. We want to tell our friends and family about our new dream so they can …
How To Overcome The Fear Of Judgement
The fear that I hear most often When I’m working with my coaching clients, and we’re discussing how she can pursue her dream, the fear that comes up most often is, “What will people think? I don’t want anyone to find out.” This is the fear of judgement. Who’s judging us? But what people are …
What is Coaching and Can It Really Help Me?
What people think coaching is Coaching is a relatively new field and as such, many people aren’t really sure what coaching is or how coaching can help us. Often people think that coaching is like therapy, or that it is like having a cheerleader, someone to believe in you and tell you that you can …
The Surprising Reason I ‘Wasted’ My Medical Degree
It started with a night in the ER Waking up in the on-call room The journey to the moment I ‘wasted’ my medical degree starts with one night in the ER. I was sitting in the emergency room at 2:45 AM. I had just woken up an hour ago with a message on my phone …
Should I Pursue My Dream? An Incredible Exercise For The Answer
A question I commonly get asked by women is, “Should I pursue my dream?” There are a lot of reasons that we might be hesitant to pursue our dream. We might be worried about whether it will fail, whether we will go broke, or whether we should just be happy with where we are. All …
Are You Adulting Correctly? Well It’s Killing Your Dream.
What we think adulting means There’s this hidden image of what a successful adult should look like. When a person looks and acts a certain way, has a specific type of career, is living in a specific type of house or apartment, and is dating “correctly” or has a specific type of stable partner, we …
Powerful Books to Inspire Confidence and Get Rid of Self-Doubt in 2021
Are you like me? Where at any moment, you’re reading 3 books at a time. I just can’t get enough of them! I’m usually reading a self-improvement book, a non-fiction book (usually history), and a fiction book (usually a murder mystery). I read so much because I love it! I imagine all the knowledge is …
Is Imposter Syndrome Sabotaging Your Dream? (and How To Overcome It!)
Did you know that after her Academy Award nominations for Titanic and Sense and Sensibility, the amazing Kate Winslet said, “Sometimes I wake up in the morning before going off to a shoot, and I think, I can’t do this; I’m a fraud. They’re going to fire me – all these things. I’m fat; I’m …