How to discover your passion to turn into a profitable business in 2024 – The Ultimate Guide

It’s exciting to start a new year! It seems like there are so many possibilities! So many new dreams to accomplish! It can especially seem like the time to finally look into how to turn your passion into a profitable business so you can leave your 9-5, and start living the life you WANT! My …

Why former A-students don't pursue their dream. And the key lesson they can learn from from C-students to overcome their fear. Find out how learning to fail allows women to pursue their dream, while perfectionism and the fear of failure hold women back from living the life they want and deserve. Find out what you can do about it if perfectionism and fear of failure is holding you back. Lead the life you want, not the life you settle for!

The Eye-Opening Reason Straight A-Students Don’t Pursue Their Ultimate Dream

By learning how to fail, C-students, now as adults, are able to take greater risks, pursue their dream, and not let judgement or fear of failure hold them back, while A-students – having always been praised for perfection – feel paralyzed to move toward their dream, having never learnt how to fail, but instead learned …

How perfectionism and fear of failure cause us to self-doubt. Learn how this self-doubt is holding you back from pursuing your dream, your passion. Most importantly find out how to overcome self-doubt, so you can live the life you want and deserve, not the one you settle for!

The 2 Traits Causing Your Self-Doubt – and the 3 Ultimate Practices to Overcome It

Imagine this: You’re 9 years old, just came home from school, holding up your recent math test to your parent, excited to show them you’re A, gleefully looking up at them, waiting to hear how proud they are of you. Instead you hear, “What happened to the plus?” The test is handed back to you …