The fear that I hear most often When I’m working with my coaching clients, and we’re discussing how she can pursue her dream, the fear that comes up most often is, “What will people think? I don’t want anyone to find out.” This is the fear of judgement. Who’s judging us? But what people are …
What is Coaching and Can It Really Help Me?
What people think coaching is Coaching is a relatively new field and as such, many people aren’t really sure what coaching is or how coaching can help us. Often people think that coaching is like therapy, or that it is like having a cheerleader, someone to believe in you and tell you that you can …
Should I Pursue My Dream? An Incredible Exercise For The Answer
A question I commonly get asked by women is, “Should I pursue my dream?” There are a lot of reasons that we might be hesitant to pursue our dream. We might be worried about whether it will fail, whether we will go broke, or whether we should just be happy with where we are. All …
How To Find The Courage to Pursue Your Dream
I used to come home exhausted from a job that was perfectly fine. By all standards, I was doing well. I had done everything I was supposed to do – I had gotten good marks to get into a good school, graduated, gotten a good job, somewhat settled down. It felt I had received a …
The Bold Way Burnout is Destroying Your Self-Confidence
Character traits that made you successful often also led to burnout episodes. These episodes of burnout were slowly destroying your self-confidence. While this may have seen worth it to achieve success, now this low self-confidence is holding you back – preventing you from pursuing the life you want and dream of. A couple of years …