Find out why self-care doesn't always work to prevent burnout. Instead, see the courageous way you can prevent burnout by doing one main thing. And learn more about how to do this!

The Courageous Way You Can Prevent Burnout

When we think of burnout prevention, we usually think of self-care activities, like baths, journaling, walks in nature, and a gratitude journal.
While these can be helpful, they are not the whole story. And doing just these self-care activities alone will not get you to stop experiencing burnout. Instead, keep reading for the courageous way you can finally prevent burnout!

What is burnout?

Burnout is a combination of exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy that we feel at the same time.

Find out why self-care doesn't always work to prevent burnout.  Instead, see the courageous way you can prevent burnout by doing one main thing. And learn more about how to do this!   Prevent burnout and lead the life you want, not the one you settle for!

It happens because for a while we have been experiences stress without any way of preventing or coping with it.

In a culture geared towards working hard, intense competition, “making it”, and success, we work exceptionally hard to get to where we want to be. We keep pushing ourselves without having checks along the way that will tell us if we’re overextending.

We keep putting stress on ourselves without coping with this stress, without stopping to let our body rest and adjust to the stressors. As a result, we eventually burn out.

Why is burnout important?

Burnout is important because of the negative effects it has on our life.
Our relationships, careers and self-confidence suffer when we are burnt out. Our perception of ourselves and what we can achieve also suffers.
Also, burnout increases our risk of developing certain diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.

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My roller-coaster journey with burnout

I experienced repeated cycles of burnout my entire life. And I thought it was normal.

I would work like crazy for weeks or months at a time, and then I would crash, completely exhausted, unmotivated, feeling completely helpless and useless. So I would sit and stare at my laptop watching Netflix for a week or more on end, not doing anything else, shut off from the world, not talking to anyone, without the energy to do so, even if I wanted to.

And then when I would recover, I would jump back into my work. Desperately trying to catch up on the time I missed while burnt out and also to ensure that I would succeed in my goals!

Questioning myself and my goals

It never occurred to me to question whether these goals were the right ones. To question whether all the work I was putting in was moving me towards the kind of life I wanted. Or was it pushing me towards the kind of life I was told I should want, the traditional life path of a successful woman.

At one point, I decided to reevaluate whether the goals I had and the direction that my life was going was still where I wanted to go.

I realized that it wasn’t. I made these goals and decision about my life when I was 15. And never looked back. I realized these goals no longer fit with who I am and what I want to do.

Instead, I wanted to pursue a dream I had. A dream about empowering women to embrace the kind of life they want to have, instead of the life they settle for.

So I left the corporate world and I left medicine and decided to embark on my dream.

To say that it was easy would be laughable. It was hard. It took courage.

So what is it the courageous way to prevent burnout?

Recently I watched an interview with Martha Beck. Martha is a best-selling author, life coach and speaker. She’s often attributed to being Oprah’s life coach. An incredible lady that shares her story of embracing her true self and the results of this transformation. She’s truly an inspiration.

I watched an interview she did with Maria Menounos. Martha says that it’s hard to get burnt out if you’re doing what you love.

And I completely agree.

No more burnout

What was interesting is that since I left the life that was not making me feel challenged and passionate and excited about my life, and started doing what I truly loved, I stopped experiencing burnout!

Doing what you love is the courageous way to prevent burnout.

I want to point out that I didn’t stop doing self-care activities. I did them before, and I still did them, but I no longer experienced burnout.
And that’s I think a key difference. They actually help now.

When you are doing something that doesn’t feel your soul and mind, self-care activities can delay burnout for a while. Eventually though, burnout will catch up to you.

But when you are doing something that doesn’t make you think “Uggghhhhh!” while you are doing it, something you love, that excites you no matter how hard it is in moments, self-care activities act to reenergize you. They feed you and help so that feel more ready to keep working at your dream.

Find out why self-care doesn't always work to prevent burnout.  Instead, see the courageous way you can prevent burnout by doing one main thing. And learn more about how to do this!

Prevent burnout and lead the life you want, not the one you settle for!

Your turn!

So what is it that you would love to do? What is it that you have a desire to do, but are worried about leaving the traditional path, the path you’ve been on for so long, the path that seems so stable and what a “responsible adult” would do?

Maybe you have a corporate job right now where you are seen as successful by your coworkers, friends and family. But really you want to leave and write murder mystery novels, or open up a bakery, or go back to school, or become a screenwriter.

And it takes courage to leave path you’re currently on and embrace the one you actually want – which is why this is a courageous way to prevent burnout.

When you embrace your true self and start doing what you love, Monday’s are no longer a drag. You don’t hate Sunday evenings anymore. And Friday’s aren’t the best thing since sliced bread. You don’t feel exhausted and tired anymore, you don’t binge-watch Netflix every evening when you get home from work.

Instead, you feel excited, energized at the possibilities, and with some self-care activities on the side, you don’t burn out. You no longer feel that exhaustion, cynicism, and despair when you can longer take it, when you feel too tired to do anything any longer.

What is it that you have a burning desire to do, but are afraid of doing? What is it that would mean embracing your true self and doing what you love?

Email me to let me know, or write it in the comments below!

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